The real meaning of education is to acquire knowledge. It is not only the basic means of acquiring knowledge for an individual, but it is also a medium of development at the social, economic, and national level.

What is Education ?

What is Education ?
  • Education is an important factor in the development and progress of human society at large. The word “education” comes from the Sanskrit word “shiksha” which means “teacher’s education”. This means that educa… is a process in which knowledge, information, and skills are acquired and passed from one person to another.
  • Educa…. is an important process that develops knowledge, cognition, and intelligence in human life. Through this we increase our current knowledge and acquire new information in a necessary and useful manner.
  • The exchange of educa…. can take place through various mediums such as schools, colleges, universities, and various educational institutions, etc.
  • Educa…. provides a person with abilities, skills, and strategies in various fields of life. Through this, a person paves the way for psychological development, emotional understanding, spirit of social service, personal upliftment and economic self-reliance.
  • Educa…. is extremely important for the development of human society. It is not only a means of acquiring knowledge, but it is also a medium to achieve justice, equality, and universal acceptance in the society. Educated people play an active role in the society and establish strategy, love, and harmony.
  • Educa…. makes a person self-reliant, provides him with the knowledge of right policies, values, and culture. Educa…. develops the qualities that make a person successful in society, such as intelligence, spontaneity, thoughtfulness, organization, and organizational ability.
  • There are various types of educa…. such as fundamental educa…., humanities, literary educa…., scientific educa…., mathematics educa…., arts educa…., and vocational educa….. They develop expertise and comprehensive knowledge in various fields of education.

Importance of Education:

Importance of Education


Through educa…. we acquire knowledge in various subjects, which are essential for our psychological, technical, scientific, literary, and social development. It provides us with the ability to equip ourselves and helps in achieving success in various fields of life.

Personal Development

Educa…. helps in improving our personal skills, abilities, and nature. It improves our thinking ability, ability to solve problems, and develop new and inventive ideas with independence.

Social Service

Educa…. gives us awareness of social responsibility and develops hard work and abilities to solve social problems. It inspires us to cooperate in building a just, humane, and harmonious society.

Economic Independence

Educa…. takes us on the path of economic self-reliance. An educated person enjoys more employment opportunities, higher salaries, and economic stability. Apart from this, educa….. also prepares us to achieve the highest level of quality of life.

Promotion of general culture

Educa…. gives us understanding of different cultures, religions, and sects and propagates common culture. It helps in harmony, negotiation, and acceptance of cultural diversity among us.

Types of Education:

Types of Education

Formal education

Formal educa…. is a traditional and regular educa…. system which follows a curriculum and is a type of educa…. which is taught by many educational institutions giving degree or certificate. This e-learning platform is taught in educa…. schools, colleges and universities. These certificates are useful to the student in his bright future and can help him in getting a job or any kind of experience.

Non formal education

That educa…. which, like formal educa…., is not limited to the limits of schools, colleges, and universities. But like formal educa…., its objectives and curriculum are fixed, the only difference is in its planning which is very flexible. Its main objective is to spread general educa…. and make arrangements for educa….. Its curriculum has been decided keeping in mind the needs of the learners. Teaching methods, places and times of learning are decided as per the convenience of the learners. Adult educa…., continuing educa…., open educa and distance educa…., all these are different forms of non-formal educa…..

The biggest feature of this educa…. is that it educates those children/individuals who could not take advantage of formal educa…., such as:-

  • People who did not receive (or did not complete) schooling.
  • Adults who want to study.
  • working women.
  • People who cannot spend much (spend money, time or energy at any level) on formal educa…..

Informal Education

Education that is not planned; The educa…. which has neither fixed objectives nor curriculum nor teaching methods and which always continues casually is called informal educa….. This educa…. continues throughout a person’s life and has the greatest impact on him. Man keeps taking this educa…. in every moment of his life, every moment he keeps learning from the people and environment he comes in contact with. A child’s first educa… is completed at home in an informal environment. When he comes to school to receive formal educa…., he comes with a personality which is the result of his informal educa…..

To give proper direction to a person’s language and conduct, to organize his experiences, to train him in any particular work as per his interest, inclination and ability and to promote and spread public educa…, it is necessary for us to make provision for formal and non-formal educa…..

Why is education important?

Education is the foundation of human society. Without this, prosperity, development and scientific progress cannot be possible in the society. Educa…. helps in making human resources capable and secure. It empowers the society technically, economically and socially. Educa…. develops the mind, body and soul of a person to the level of perfection and empowers him.

For which children is education important?

Education is essential for people of all ages and castes, from local communities to children with special needs. Educa…. provides children with knowledge, discipline, moral values, social integration and technical proficiency. It leads them towards self-confidence, self-reliance and success.

How does education affect human life?

Education affects human life in various ways. It provides them with the ability to think, understand, express and communicate. Education helps a person in attaining higher thinking, discipline, harmony, cooperation, health and highest standards. Through this, a person becomes empowered at strategic, economic and professional level and builds the society.

How can education change society?

Education affects the society widely. Through this, the importance of equality, justice, thoughtfulness and knowledge is propagated in the society. Through educa…. people understand the important role of judges, scientists, litterateurs and artists in fighting against social evils. its provides the power to raise voice for freedom and bring change in the society.


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